This study aims to find out how media advertising and other things affect what movies people choose to see. The researchers used two different versions of a movie with two parts: a logo and a product package. The one-minute-and-thirty-second clips were shown to 40 people who were split into two groups. They were asked to rate these scenes on a scale from 0 to 3.
The results of this study show that funny movie scenes with product placement affect people. This could be because these scenes often make people feel good. It also shows that product placement can affect what a consumer does after making a decision and how they buy things. The study's results will be used as a guide for future studies. If the study can be done repeatedly over time, it may give marketers helpful information.
Even though the study was limited by the level of education and income of the people who took part, it shows that different consumers may have different tastes. In addition, people may use different media depending on their tastes and backgrounds. Therefore, a future study should look into how different kinds of movies affect how people feel about them.
The study also shows that TV commercials are essential. Also, advertising in newspapers and magazines is an excellent way to make a movie more popular. But radio ads have a minor effect on what movies people choose to see. This is because radio ads are only a tiny part of all the money spent on advertising. But they are good enough for H8.
Aside from looking at how people choose movies, future studies should also look at how different types of consumers feel and think about product placement in movies. For example, what does it mean when a movie has several product placements? Also, future research should focus on how people feel about product placement and whether or not consumers accept products.
Advertising in the media has a significant impact on what people buy. As a result, advertising managers must use effective media strategies to capture consumers' attention. But using the media in the wrong way can lead to big problems. So, advertisers can make better decisions about their media mix if they know more about how advertisements affect people.